Stuart Law Firm is pleased to support the NC Museum of Natural Sciences and help support the Museum and it's Exhibit Leadership Commitee in bringing this incredible exhibit to Raleigh.
Challenging the Deep follows explorer and filmmaker James Cameron’s passion for deep-ocean science, technology and exploration. Additionally it chronicles his record-breaking dive to the bottom of the ocean in the DEEPSEA CHALLENGER – the submersible he co-designed and co-engineered.
This immersive exhibition takes you into a deep-ocean environment using cinema-scale projections, artifacts and specimens from his expeditions. Explore the deepest ocean and discover the shipwrecks of Titanic and the German battleship Bismarck. Learn how technologies pioneered by Cameron for underwater recording, lighting, communication and diving are employed in both his filmmaking and exploration. You’ll also see original film props and costumes from “The Abyss” and “Titanic,” including the iconic Heart of the Ocean diamond.